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Getting started

GenET is a Python-based library that allows for the design and analysis of various genome editing-related research. It provides convenient features for utilizing CRISPR systems (Cas9, base editing, prime editing) with ease.


GenET can be easily installed using PyPI. Please check the installation guide for the installation instructions.

pip install genet

Example Usage of GenET for Genome Editing Research

Through GenET, various features are available (or planned to be added) to facilitate research on genetic information and studies using CRISPR.


# Testing import genet modules

import genet.database
import genet.analysis
import genet.models
import genet.predict
import genet.utils

Need help?

Look at the issues section to find out about specific cases and others.

If you still have doubts or cannot solve the problem, please consider opening an issue

Please send all comments and questions to

GenET Citation

@Manual {GenET, 
    title = {GenET: Python package for genome editing research}, 
    author = {Goosang Yu}, 
    year = {2024}, 
    month = {January}, 
    note = {GenET version 0.13.3}, 
    url = {}